Singing at The Sound of Fury Fan club meet at Mill Hill London.
Welcome To
My World
Hi, Welcome and thank you for visiting my website, where I would like to share some of my Music and the Passion and love I have for it, Inspired by Rock N Roll Artists from the 1950's through to Rock N Rollers of Today.
My main Influences throughout my life have come from Elvis Presley and Billy Fury, who are in my opinion, The greatest ever original Rockers from the 50's.
While Elvis has and always will be my First and Foremost inspiration, I have been intrigued by Billy Fury's music since a young age, and have had the honour of attending Fan club gatherings at Mill Hill in London, Where Billy was laid to rest after his untimely death aged just 42, Liverpool, where Billy was born, and started his career, and I have also taken part in a charity gathering organised by the fan club, in Northampton, at The Sunnyside, where Billy made his last live public appearance before his death.
I hope you enjoy the songs on the site, and if there are any you would like to see posted please feel free to request them, on the requests page.
Bruce Seaton
© 2015 by Bruce Seaton.